With the powers-that-be at Google deciding to end its Google Explorer Program in January 19, 2015, is the Google Glass Project just too cleaver for its own good?
By: Ringo Bones
During its launch five years ago, Google used to call early
adapters of its Google Glass device as “software developers” which sounds to
the rest of us as a euphemism of the gadget obsessed with the requisite 1,500
US dollars to satisfy their own curiosity. But during the five years of its
existence, the powers-that-be at the Ivory Towers of Google’s Mountain View,
California headquarters had decided near the end of 2014 to end the Google
Explorer Program – the corporate decision at Google that allowed the Google
Glass to be sold to “software developers” for 1,500 US dollars – to end it by
January 19, 2015 because the “cleverness” of the Google Glass outweighed the
privacy concerns that eventually ensued. But should the Google Glass be chucked
into the technological dustbin of history?
As a clever gadget with internet-connectivity, the Google
Glass managed to create waves when it was introduced five years ago because it
has no competing counterparts. Sony and Apple had similar devices at the time
that never got beyond the development stage because they can’t make it as
“cheap” as Google’s. And since Google’s announcement to end the Google Glass
Project / Google Explorer Program in January 19, 2015, internet-connected
gadget blogs are abuzz of musings on how the Google Glass became the most
famous piece of wearable technology of the last five years.
The privacy concerns outcry of the Google Glass users mostly
stems from the most of the so-called “software developers” inability to
properly set the privacy settings of the device. And there are, allegedly, an
incident where a Google Glass owner’s residence got burglarized because his home’s
alarm code was known by a burglar who saw his uploaded videos while wearing the
Google Glass. January 19, 2015 may have came and went, but is the Google Glass Project totally shelved?
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