Friday, July 17, 2020

Are Russian Cyber-Spies Targeting COVID 19 Vaccine Research Labs?

Seems unbelievable when I’ve first heard of it but are Russia’s top cyber-spies targeting the world’s leading COVID 19 vaccine research labs?

By: Ringo Bones

Given that to those old enough to remember that the then Soviet Union was at the cutting edge in medical science when it comes to developing performance enhancing drugs at the height of the Cold War, and hence their “almost mythical” athletic performance during the Olympic Games after World War II, that Putin era Russia now has resorted to stealing vital data via cyber espionage when it comes to developing a working COVID 19 vaccine seems “unbelievable”. But, sadly, the world’s leading cyber security services had just found out that the Kremlin’s go-to cyber-spies, a hacker group popularly known as Cozy Bear, was responsible for hacking the computer servers of UK, Canadian and US labs currently working on a working COVID 19 vaccine. It did not specify which organizations had been targeted or whether any information had been stolen. But it said vaccine research had not been hindered by hackers and as usual, Russia has denied any responsibility.

The warning was recently published by an international group of security services like the UK’s NCSC, the Canadian Communication Security Establishment (CSE), the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Cyber security Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and the US National security Agency. One expert said it was “plausible” that, despite the Kremlin’s denials, Russian spies were involved. Cozy Bear – the named cyber espionage and hacking group – has been implicated in past cyber attacks and has left quite a trail, and there are fairly good links to the Russian state itself. Cozy Bear was first identified as being a significant “threat actor” as far back as 2014, according to the American cyber security firm Crowdstrike. It describes the group as being “aggressive” in its tactics and “nothing if not flexible, changing tool sets frequently. The unit has been previously implicated in hacking the US Democratic National Committee (DNC) during the 2016 US Presidential Election. But given Russia’s reputation of being the cutting edge in medical science since the Soviet era, why did the Kremlin authorize such an operation in order to be the first in developing a working COVID 18 vaccine?

From a geopolitical perspective, a nation state that can first develop a working COVID 19 vaccine could gain an unfair advantage from an economic perspective in being able to end a government enforced lockdown and restarting the economy while keeping its own citizens from getting sick and or dying from COVID 19. It seems that the COVID 19 vaccine spy-game is a high stakes play in terms of statecraft indeed. Let’s just hope that Agent 007 has the sufficient medical degree to tackle such a case successfully.

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Does 5G Internet Networks Cause And Help The Spread Of The COVID 19 Virus?

Given that the belief is straight out off Trump’s climate change denial playbook, does the belief that 5G internet networks causes COVID 19 more dangerous than the pandemic itself?

By: Ringo Bones

The dismissal of the pandemic as a hoax and questioning of scientific experts is straight out of President Trump’s, and other right-wing populist demagogue’s, playbook of climate change denial that got them elected in the first place. The 5G theory about radio waves transmitting or activating the virus, for example, is a reworking of long running conspiracy fears about mind control experiments, subliminal messaging and supposed United States military weapons projects that has since been a staple of Hollywood’s TV and movie industry way before the runaway mid 1990s success of The X-Files. Add to that an utter lack of how science works of most of Trump’s supporters and it is no longer a mystery that the belief that 5G internet networks causes and spreads the COVID 19 virus is very popular in the United States.

The 5G coronavirus conspiracy theories are particularly challenging to debunk by normal educated people with a working grasp of science – never mind tenured government scientists - because they bring together people from very different parts from the political spectrum. On the other hand, they attract the far-right Trump supporters who see them as part of a technological assault by big government and the “rich liberal elite” on the freedom of individuals. On the other, they appeal to the well established “anti-vaxxer community” who are often allied with those distrustful of Big Pharma. Getting COVID 19 from 5G internet networks is probably like someone getting polio from lighting FDR's old flashlight into their face.

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Could 5G Interfere With Weather Forecasting Accuracy?

Despite of the promise of blisteringly fast internet speed and much increased device connectivity, could 5G networks degrade our current weather forecasting ability back to the 1980s?

By: Ringo Bones

During trial runs in recent years, 5G networks – in prototype form - had managed to provide blisteringly fast internet speeds and quantum leaps in connectivity to our devices and hopefully, at data rates not much more expensive that we currently pay. But are there caveats to this increased internet speed and connectivity – as in degrading our current ability to provide accurate weather forecasting?

Since the mid 1990s, the ability of our meteorological satellites and supporting networks to provide accurate weather forecast have increased by leaps and bounds. Currently, we can track the severity of storms as it hits landfall by up to three days in advance. This resulted in countless lives being saved due to people evacuated to safer areas – an ability that just twenty years before, was thought of as just “science fiction”. But could 5G internet networks degrade our ability to provide accurate weather forecasts back to the early 1980s?

The radio frequencies used by 5G networks operate at around 24 GHz – a frequency quite close to the ones used by the sensors and transmitters of weather satellites. The radio frequency used by weather satellites / meteorological satellites takes advantage of how atmospheric water vapor in clouds and suspended ice crystals resonate at 23.8 GHz. Due to its close operating frequency, 5G internet networks could interfere with weather satellites when it comes to forecast accuracy. In recent trials, the degradation in accuracy can make a contemporary meteorological satellite operate as if it is using 1982 era technology in terms of weather forecasting accuracy.