Given that 1980s throwback themes had recently become
bestsellers in the burgeoning app industry, would a “Ronald Reagan Pornography
App” be the next must have retro app?
By: Ringo Bones
With the release of the MacGyver Deadly Descent App back in
the second half of May 2014 that had taken the app world by storm – for a 1980s
themed retro app that is and based on a hit 1980s TV series nonetheless – many
could be asking right now if “there was a pornography detection app based on
that notorious then US President Ronald Reagan and then US Attorney General
Edwin Meese III’s pornography commission report?” Imagine – for possible comic
effect – the app’s pornography detection criterion be based on that Ronald Reagan’s
“big blue 1,960-page book on pornography that was published back in July 1986
that almost nobody reads anymore and was labeled a big waste of American
taxpayers’ money back then”. Would such a 1980s themed retro app prove to be a
Given that July has become the more or less ad hoc “Ronald
Reagan Pornography Month” – the release of a “Ronald Reagan Pornography” themed
app this July 2014 seems apt – if you’ll excuse the pun – to try out what the
hubbub is about on that notorious of American taxpayers’ money Ronald Reagan
Pornography Commission Final Report was back in July 1986. Would it also
necessitate the addition of a “hypocrisy chip” or “hypocrisy module” on your
Android capable smartphone given how the US Republican Party tackles such
problems since the days when Ronnie was still president? Or would it be like –
as legend has it – act like former US First Lady Nancy Reagan when she first
saw an exhibition of the paintings of Old Masters in a museum and exclaimed
“pornography”? Maybe somebody is already making and/or designing a US Supreme
Court Justice Potter Stewart Pornography App right now.
Given the capabilities of a typical contemporary smartphone,
an artificial intelligence like program that could make the Ronald Reagan Pornography
app act like a typical dyed-in-the-wool US Republican Party stalwart could not
only provide countless hours of hilarity for history buffs or those old enough
to have been singed by “Reaganomics” this sort of “pornography app” could prove
to be a best-seller in today’s overcrowded app marker. Or should it carry the
proverbial “caveat emptor” warning?