Though such video games and their ilk are primarily known
for their gratuitous violence and misogyny, are there any “high-brow
alternative” to Grand Theft Auto Los Angeles?
By: Ringo Bones
Grand Theft Auto Los Alamos: a high-brow alternative to
Grand Theft Auto Los Angeles? Maybe, but for those fortunately old enough to
remember, furor over the theft of the U.S. government’s top tier nuclear
secrets – when the U.S. Department of Defense’s ultra-compact W88 thermonuclear
warhead construction secrets got leaked to Beijing - are a serious issue back
in 1998 before it was overshadowed by the September 11, 2001 Terror Attacks.
Well, the Taiwanese born American scientist Wen Ho Lee who
had been working at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Los Alamos National Laboratories in Los Alamos, New Mexico facility since
the 1970s had become headline news back near the end of 1998 when he was found
out to be passing nuclear weapon’s secrets to the Beijing Government via Hong
Kong. And for those fortunately old enough to remember the atomic-powered car –
the Ford Nucleon – and add this to the mix, now you have a recipe for a
high-brow nuclear science oriented video game reminiscent of Grand Theft Auto
Los Angeles. And name it “Grand Theft Auto Los Alamos” in order to capitalize
on the curious old enough to remember the “Atomic Age” first hand.
Sometimes I too wonder why nobody has though of this yet.
Given the advances made in home based computer game consoles and in desktop
PCs, tablets, mobile devices and what have you, Grand Theft Auto Los Alamos
could have been a historically-based video game that’s both educational and
thrilling. Maybe one of these days - through Crowdfunding I guess – it may
suddenly dominate the computer gaming market, or maybe an IMAX 3D big-budget action
movie tie-in perhaps?